Tuesday 2 August 2011

Causes Of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the third most common cause of cancer death in men of all ages and is the most common cause of cancer death in men over 75 years. Prostate cancer is rarely found in men younger than 40 years.

People who are at higher risk include:

African-American men are also at risk of developing cancer at any age

Men over 60

Men who have a father or brother with prostate cancer

Others at risk include:

Men exposed to Agent Orange exposure

Men who abuse alcohol


Men who eat a diet high in fat, especially animal fat

Workers at the tire factory


Men who were exposed to cadmium

The low number of cases occurs in Japanese men living in Japan (this advantage is lost after a generation to live in the U.S.) and those who do not eat meat (vegetarians).

A problem common to almost all men as they age, an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH). This problem does not increase the risk of prostate cancer.

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