Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Treatment Of Throat Cancer

Throat cancer or the treatment of cancer of the larynx is designed to completely destroy the cancer and the prevention of the spread of cancer to other parts of the body. Standard methods of treatment are surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

When the tumor is small or throat surgery radiotherapy alone can be used to remove the tumor. When the tumor is larger or has spread to lymph nodes in the neck, combination radiation and chemotherapy are often used to keep the box and is successful in most cases.

Doctors are using a procedure called laryngoscopy, which helps in the examination of the slot that used a tube with a tiny camera on (laryngoscope), which allows the doctor to look in the mouth and throat to see the tumor .

The removal of the tumor during surgery, including all or part of the vocal cords with a laryngectomy may be necessary in some cases. Usually, after surgery, patients need to express their support or speech, as alternative methods of speaking. Other than that swallowing therapy after treatment may also be necessary to help them adapt to changes in the structure of the throat.

The overall prognosis of cancer of the throat or larynx is good. Cervical cancer or cancer of the larynx can be cured in almost 90% of patients if detected early. The percentage of recovery depends on factors such as cancer stage and location of the tumor in the throat. In advanced stage where the cancer has spread to surrounding tissues or lymph nodes in the neck the cure rate is about 50-60%.

Throat cancer or prevention of cancer of the larynx is made to reduce the risk of the disease. People who smoke or use snuff are at risk of developing tumors of the throat that leads to cancer of the throat or larynx. Excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk. Smoking and alcohol are at extreme risk of developing cancer of the throat or larynx.

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