Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Symptoms Of Thyroid Cancer

As with other types of thyroid cancer cancer symptoms or signs of thyroid cancer is not clear in the early stage. As the cancer grows, a small lump or nodule may be felt in the neck.

The vast majority of thyroid nodules are caused by benign conditions, but about one percent of these lumps represent the early stages of thyroid cancer. If the cancer spreads, it can cause symptoms that include:

The first and most important symptom of thyroid cancer is that swallowing becomes a problem

You can really significant throat pain

Difficulty speaking, or change in normal voice

Hoarseness in the voice that does not improve and is not associated with a cold.

As a cough that persists and is not associated with a cold.

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck or expansion

Sore throat and / or neck, sometimes spreading up to your ears

A bump sometimes grow quickly in the bottom of the neck

Fixed the rest of the neck

Fixed or lump, is in front of the neck near the Adam's apple;

Breathing problems

Sometimes, constant wheezing can also be a symptom of thyroid cancer.

These symptoms thyroid cancer are not sure signs of thyroid cancer. Other factors, including the thyroid nodule Benin, infection or inflammation of the thyroid gland and a benign thyroid gland (goiter) can cause similar problems, all is very processed. But anyone with these symptoms should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Remember, 99% of thyroid nodules are benign, but only your doctor can determine if the neck of a person is a piece of the tumor or not. Although the symptoms of thyroid cancer may cause other less serious illnesses, which may be harmless.

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